One of our customers used n-hexane to extract DCM polymer from DCM aqueous solution. Previously, ceramic reactors were used to extract chemical components, but a series of problems arose. They wanted to make technical transformation. The specific problems are as follows.

  1. The operation process of the reactor is relatively complicated and requires multiple extractions.
  2. During the extraction process of the reactor, the extraction efficiency is low and the entrainment volume is relatively large.
  3. The equipment material is easily corroded, which increases the maintenance cost.
    In view of the current situation, the customer put forward a request, hoping to use the centrifugal extractor, hoping to completely extract the chemical components.

According to the customer's specific requirements, our company recommends that customer bring the feed liquid and use our CWL50-M laboratory centrifugal extractor for experimental operation. The experiment showed that the extraction effect of chemical components using the centrifugal extractor is very significant, and the extraction rate also meets the customer's requirements. Therefore, the customer asked our company to develop industrial the centrifugal extractor plan for it and formally carried out technical transformation of the reactor. Through the technical transformation, the industrial centrifugal extractor is currently running stably in the customer's workshop.

Centrifugal Extractor Advantages

  1. The centrifugal extractor relies on centrifugal force for mixing and separation, the mixing and separation time of the feed liquid is short, and the extraction efficiency is high.
  2. The centrifugal extractor adopts an upper hanging structure, which saves maintenance costs, has a larger processing capacity, and is more energy-efficient.
  3. The equipment material can be made of perfluorinated polymer material, which is resistant to strong acid corrosion.

Our company has always been adhering to the concept of being responsible to customers. Before specifying industrial equipment solutions for customers, we will conduct experiments for customers. Only after the experimental data meets the standards will we carry out detailed industrial operation plans to solve technical problems for customers in an all-round way. For details, welcome contact us.
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