Regarding H acid wastewater treatment, it is mainly aimed at organic wastewater generated by chemical companies in the production process. Generally, chemical organic wastewater has high COD, complex components, and is not easy to discharge biochemically, which is the top priority of environmental protection. There are many types of chemical wastewater, the most common ones are H acid wastewater, phenol-containing wastewater, DMF wastewater, DMAC wastewater, etc. Today, we will mainly explain the treatment of H acid wastewater.

H acid is a commonly used intermediate in chemical enterprises. It has a wide range of applications, and therefore a large amount of H acid wastewater is generated during the chemical production process. H acid wastewater cannot be discharged directly because the H acid content in the wastewater is generally high and the COD is also high. It can only be pre-treated to extract and recycle the H acid, and then the wastewater can be discharged biochemically.

CWL-M Centrifugal Extractor has good effect in treating H acid wastewater, large treatment capacity and energy saving. After long-term experiments, Zhengzhou Tiei Extraction found that the extraction method for pretreatment of H acid wastewater is more effective. The extraction method is also called solvent extraction method, centrifugal extraction method, etc. The solvent extraction method is to select a suitable extractant, inject the extractant and H acid wastewater into the equipment through different feed inlets of the centrifugal extractor according to a certain ratio, and after rapid mixing and mass transfer in the machine, use the centrifugal force of the equipment to separate the light and heavy phases.

Through a large number of customer cases, it is found that the centrifugal extractor has good extraction effect on H acid wastewater, high extraction rate, cheap and easy-to-obtain extractant, large processing volume and environmental protection and energy saving.

Zhengzhou Tiei Extraction is a manufacturer specializing in the research and development of liquid-liquid extraction and separation equipment. It mainly produces CWL-M series centrifugal extractors, mixer settler, etc. Among them, CWL-M centrifugal extractors include laboratory extraction equipment and industrial extraction equipment. For specific extraction parameters and processes, welcome contact us.
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