The most common vanadium extraction equipment currently includes centrifugal extractors, mixer settler, extraction towers, etc. With the increasing market demand for metallic vanadium, more and more vanadium extraction methods and equipment are available. The technical engineer of Zhengzhou Tiei Extraction Technology Co., Ltd. explains how to extract vanadium from vanadium electrolyte using the centrifugal extractor.

Vanadium metal is a silvery-white metal with a high melting point. It is often called a refractory metal together with niobium, tantalum, tungsten and molybdenum. Vanadium metal has good ductility, corrosion resistance and a relatively hard texture. With the continuous research of technology on vanadium metal, vanadium metal has been widely used in many fields such as industry, aerospace, chemistry, batteries, pigments, glass, optics, medicine, etc.

The extraction of vanadium from vanadium electrolyte can be carried out by solvent extraction. By selecting a suitable extractant and using the CWL-M centrifugal extractor, the vanadium metal in the electrolyte is transferred to the extractant and extracted. This is currently a method with relatively high extraction efficiency.

The hydrometallurgical field has been using mixer settler equipment. With the development of technology, traditional box-type extraction equipment has a series of problems such as large footprint, low production efficiency, large tank filling volume, easy equipment clogging, and difficulty in automation. The new CWL-M series centrifugal extractor developed and produced by Zhengzhou Tiei Extraction effectively solves these problems. The CWL-M centrifugal extractor is a new, efficient, and energy-saving automatic extraction and separation device. It is the main equipment for extracting vanadium process. When the centrifugal extractor is in operation, the two-phase liquid is quickly separated under the action of centrifugal force. The centrifugal extractor also has the advantages of small footprint, not easy to emulsify, continuous production, and easy automation control.

Some companies that are preparing to carry out technical transformation of mixer settlers have not been exposed to centrifugal extractors before, and they are worried about the operating effects. Zhengzhou Tiei Extraction Technology also developed the small test experiment for customers, first using CWL50-M experimental extraction equipment for operation, observing experimental data, and then selecting industrial equipment after meeting the customer's production requirements. This allows customers to understand the effect of vanadium extraction by centrifugal extractors in detail before purchasing, and then formulate subsequent plans after customers are satisfied.

The above is an explanation of the extraction of vanadium from vanadium electrolyte by centrifugal extractors. Different metal elements use different extractants and related process flows. If you want to know the details and prices of CWL-M centrifugal extractors, please contact us!
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