Laterite nickel ore resources are surface crustal deposits formed by Fenghua-Linfiltration-Sediment of nickel sulfide ore rock masses. They mainly contain nickel, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese and other metals. As the resources available for development of nickel sulfide are significantly reduced, the increase in world nickel production in the next ten years will mainly come from the development of laterite nickel ore resources.
The current hydrometallurgical process for processing laterite nickel ore resources is mainly acid leaching - impurity removal - precipitation - acid dissolution, and then electrolysis to produce metallic nickel. Although this process can achieve the purpose of recovering nickel, the overall recovery rate is not high and the treatment process is long.
With the solvent extraction method, as long as the appropriate extraction agent is selected, nickel can be selectively extracted from the feed liquid containing metal impurities such as nickel, iron, calcium, and magnesium, while other metal impurities are basically not extracted, and achieves efficient separation of nickel and other metal impurities, removing impurities in one step, and greatly shortening the production process. The production process of nickel and cobalt from laterite nickel ore by solvent extraction method: acid leaching - extraction - washing - back-extraction - backwash - saponification.
This process has been successfully put into use in hazardous waste treatment companies. In an 800-ton-per-year nickel sulfate production line constructed in a certain project, the CWL-M series centrifugal extractor was used in the extraction section, achieving successful one-time debugging and continuous and stable operation.
At the same time, the solvent extraction method has been industrially applied in the recovery of nickel-containing materials such as electroplating sludge, low-grade nickel-containing materials, and ternary material recovery. Under stable operating conditions, the extraction, extraction and washing, stripping and backwashing processes have good phase separation, obvious metal separation effects, stable raffinate concentration, lower than 0.1g/l, and the average nickel extraction rate is over 98%.
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