1. After hot water stripping of ethylene dichloride mother liquor (containing imidazolidin, acetamiprid), effective stripping of imidazolidin can be achieved, achieving the effect of separation and purification of ethylene dichloride mother liquor, and achieving imidazolidin index in ethylene dichloride mother liquor <2%.
2. After distillation operation, the solvent can be recovered and imidazolidin product can be produced at the same time.
3. Fresh ethylene dichloride is used to extract the backwater, and the imidazolidin in the backwater is further extracted to obtain pure imidazolidin liquid (imidazolidin <1%)
4. The imidazolidin product is obtained after centrifugal crystallization, and the aqueous phase can be returned to the stripping process for use after distillation.